At College Hill, we are passionate about our outreach ministries’. Each member is dedicated to uplifting our community by being a light that first shines from within.
We do not take this responsibility lightly. As leaders in our community, we go out each and every day striving to make a difference. By displaying God’s love for others through community food drives, neighborhood school partnerships, local business togetherness programs and other efforts to unite our great community as a whole, we send the message that together change is inevitable.

Marriage Ministry
The Marriage Ministry gathers together throughout the calendar year to fellowship with one another providing growth for Christian couples. Through the use of games, team building exercises, movies and community activities, our main mission is to continue to use the Gospel to reenergize every couple we fellowship with.

Club College Hill
We understand that as parents, the spiritual growth of your children is a key component for a well-rounded church. Club College Hill brings our youth together and through ice cream socials, outdoor games, bible lessons, and interactive spiritual learning, we strive to create an atmosphere of learning about God that is both inviting and long-lasting.

Ladies on a Mission
Women have known to represent the heartbeat of the body including the Body of Christ. We are passionate about our love for God and nurturing it to make sure those around us share that same passion. Ladies on a Mission meet routinely to spread the love of God not only to our church family, but also to our community through initiating feeding programs, programs that cater to our elderly and Hospitality events.

The way to grow the Christian Body is by having a dedicated army towing the front line. We are men, women and children that make up that army to serve God. We walk the streets and the community spreading the love of Jesus Christ. We try our hardest to not leave one soul behind. We are well trained on a monthly basis and meet consistently to make sure our training is up to date. This job of winning souls for Christ we do not take lightly. For this reason we are passionate about finding those who don’t know Christ and teaching them how to become one with him on an intimate basis.

Christian Experience
The Christian Experience opens the door to numerous ways for our members to grow in Christ. Wednesday Night Bible Study, Monday Night Small Group, Morning Worship Service, and Children’s Church are just a few ways that we share the Gospel. Our mission is simple, to educate whomever, whenever, however. We don’t mind asking the tough questions and we invite all to come answer them.